Daylight Simulation

Through the development of a 3D computational model and simulating it under the weather conditions of the site, we analyze the performance and behavior of each specific of the project and plan the best strategy to reach the daylight goals, while working with yours and your client’s needs.
⦁ Daylight simulation for LEED IEQc7 option 1, sDA and SAE models, following IES LM-83 standard requirements
⦁ Daylight simulation for LEED IEQc7 option 2, illuminance simulation.
⦁ Analysis and recommendations of strategies to maximize LEED points
⦁ LEED compliance: all the output files, documents, and templates that are required to document the IEQc7 Daylight credit



Calle 94A # 11A-32 Of. 401
Carrera 14A # 10A Norte 36
Armenia - Eje Cafetero 


Hollywood, FL


USA: (+1) 305 987 9398
COL: (+57) 300 651 2903

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